Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The 3Fs (Keeping your Man Happy Made Easy)

The other day I had a conversation with a female friend. She was having trouble understanding why she could'nt keep a good man. Here's the thing... despite what most women think, we men are a very simple being. We dont need extravagant gifts, unlimited attention, or flattering complements to make us happy. On the first blog entry of this site I gave you ladies...."The 3f's"

If you follow the 3f's and your man is truly "good" for you, I confident enough to give you the "Sane Guarantee" that he isnt going any damn where!!!!

In order to keep your man satisfied you have to 1) Fuck 2) Feed 3) Forget him!!!!

Here is this simple concept broken down:

"FUCK" your man!!!

This is sooo simple... I don't get it. Your man has decided to commit himself to your and only your vagina, only to have to deal with the cookie cutter excuses for why you don't feel like giving it up:

Excuses like: "I have a headache" or "My stomach hurts" or "I'm sleepy" or "Is that all you want from me?"

In the Chris Rock film, "I Think I Love My Wife", Chris Rock's character was a very faithful and loving family man who simply was not getting any maritals from his wife,

"Now, what I can't figure out is how can my wife not have sex with me, and then send me out into a world with so many beautiful women? That's like dropping me into the ocean and expecting me to not get wet. I mean, every single woman that I see I have an imaginary relationship with." - Chris Rock (as Richard Cooper in "I Think I love my Wife")

Here is the Ugly Truth!!!! Your man is constantly in a battle to supress sexual urges every day!!! and when you Don't fuck him you are working against him!!!!

When you don't fuck him his mind begins to wonder, not because he doesn't love you or because he wants to be promiscuous..but literally because he cant control it!!! This uncontrollable wondering of the mind becomes more and more abundant the longer and longer you do not have sex with him.

I understand that sometimes your just not up to having sex everyday and a good man understands this, but a good woman understands that she holds the key to keep his sexual urges at bay.

Men who are not getting it regularly have a lot of evil in side of him in the form of semen, it is your duty to exercise the demon!! So FUCK your man and Fuck him with no holds barred!!! So that he not only is sexually satisfied but, knows that his girl is the "best he ever had!!" (Drake Voice).

"FEED" your man!!!!!


A man has a very hard day at work (12 hours), he comes home, walks threw the door and sits on the couch and kicks off his shoes. Damn his feet hurt sooo bad. He grabs his remote and his stomach begins to grumble and rumble. His girl walks into the room sits next to him, curls under him and asks; "Whats for dinner?".... The man is already more angry than a MLB player with a broken needle, but he holds it in and says; "I don't know, What do you want?"...his girl responds; "I don't know"....The man gets more angry, but somehow manages to keep his poker face and says, "How about McDonalds?", his girl then says, "Nah, I don't want McDonalds".... ***NewsFlash*** this drives your man insane!!!!

Seriously!!! Just feed him!!! Even if you can't cook, just put something on the plate and place it infront of him he will appreciate it!!! When your man gets home from work (especially a hard day) he just doesn't want to make any more decisions, by cooking for him you have eliminated something that he otherwise would have to think about. If the duty of cooking dinner has not been predetermined at least one day prior then the default chef is YOU!!!!!!! If you don't do this for him then some chick (cut from the cloth of a Martha Stewart) will start bringing him "chicken from the house" to the job or "Salisbury steak" to his work site (if your man is blue collar worker) and she will deliver it while rocking her "freak em'" dress and Sexiest of her Stiletto Pumps.

Just give the man some ramen or something!!!!

FORGET your man!!!!!

Any real man loves to spend time with his lady! This is true!!

But in the words of the late great 2pac, "Let me run the streets"

(Youtube link to the song just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA-8ziepjyA)

If you are around anyone for too long that person begins to annoy the shit out of you!!!!

Example: When I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth and tongue, often the brush goes too deep in my mouth and I make a loud and frustrating hawking sound... this makes my wife want to hang me with dental floss!!!

Back to the topic!!!:

Despite what you women think, there are things that we can do with our homies that we just can't do around you... No matter what lies your man tells you he has two different faces...

1) The one that respects you and never ever wants to offend you.


2) The one that doesn't want to get clowned by his friends for watching "Grey's Anatomy" or in my case "Single Ladies" on VH1 (Fuck you for judging me)

we need both faces to be active in our life because both faces make us who we are....

If a man is always under his girl I GUARANTEE he is absolutely miserable. In inverse, if a man is never getting that quality time from his girl he is absolutely miserable!!! (Not just because of the strain it would put on the first F!!!)

Now ladies, I'm not saying that you have to be cool with your man going out every night with his boys and neglecting you (any man who truly loves his lady would never want to do that). I'm just saying once a week (if he wants to) let him hang out with his friends without feeling guilty about it! He will appreciate it, and I assure you that he will be bragging to his friends (whom of which had to deal with the nagging treatment from their significant others) about how his lady doesn't STRESS him like that... My wife is very good at this F!!! and I am bragging to you about it right now!

In summation, if you complete the 3Fs your Mr. Right will be right there for you and will never stray! If you don't do the 3Fs there a situational consequences:

Peep the algebraic formula!:

If none of the 3fs are executed he will be gone in less than a year:

3F(0)= >1yr

If you execute the 2nd and 3rd F but not the first he will be gone in just a little over 1 year:

2f+3f= < (or equal to) 1yr

If you execute the 1st F and none of the others he could last for a really, really, realllly long time but there is a variable to consider....how good you are!!!

1f-(2f+3f)= ? (depends on how good the nookie is!!)

Very important not to do the 3rd F while ignoring the other 2:

3f-(1f+2f)= Damn that was dumb!!!!

Now there are a lot of things that man can do to keep his lady satisfied but that is a much longer post that we will save for another time! For now if you love your man!!! Give him the 3fs and stop bitching about it!

P.S: If I know ya'll ladies like I think I do....this will go in one ear and out the other! But, I still love you!!!

SaneBlog, DarkSide Out!!! PEACE!!!

Now run and tell your friends how much your love or hate me!!! :)


  1. Um no one is angry, but the way u have it worded is crazy......well what happens whn a woman is doing all of this, & more & the man still leaves or acts an a**?? Then what?? I mean just b/c YOU feel tht this might be right, doesn't necessarily mean that this truly is the way to keep your man!!! So you said if a woman does these 3f's you guarantee the man will not strAy??! Lol, really??! Haa *rolls eyes then laughs* Ok so if the woman is giving u all of this, what n the world are u doing/giving to her?! Is it sex?? Because the last I checked, it takes more than just good sex to hold a relationship together & is this directed towards keeping a boyfriend or keeping a marriage together??! I need some clairification on that one. All I'm saying is it goes both ways!! & hell even if u are giving a man some all the time, tht don't mean he aint gonna wonder!!

  2. and to your female friend who is having trouble understanding why she cannot keep a good man, tell her first to check herself, look in the mirror first then go from there!!

  3. @Shi, thanks for commenting on the blog site. I enjoy your comments and there are a few points that I want to address.

    1) How is the wording crazy?

    Is it because it's written in the language that is not decoded to make you comfortable? This is the cold hard unadulterated truth uncensored on purpose! How is it offensive? Just curious of your position on that.

    2) Paragraph 2, Line 1 of this same blog reads like this: "If you follow the 3f's and your man is truly "good" for you, I confident enough to give you the "Sane Guarantee" that he isnt going any damn where!!!!"

    I want to emphasize the "AND YOUR MAN IS GOOD FOR YOU"

    Check this scenario:
    It will answer Q1:

    You have what you feel as though is the perfect man.... he does every thing you want him to do and you want him to be around for the long run...meaning he is giving you EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED!!!! and you want no one else to ever have it! The 3Fs is how you put your stamp on it!!!!

  4. So to answer a couple of your questions..

    Q1) "Ok so if the woman is giving u all of this, what n the world are u doing/giving to her?!'

    EVERYTHING SHE EVER WANTED!!!! We don't ask for much Shi...but we have to step up for every Holiday, Birthday, and Special Event!....and Im not just talking money... We have to be there to support mentallly, physically and emotionally... We have to be the shoulder that you cry on... and the rock that keeps you still! and in return we cant even be openly honest about simple things that make us happy? Is that fair?

    Q2)"Well what happens whn a woman is doing all of this, & more & the man still leaves or acts an a**?? Then what?? I mean just b/c YOU feel tht this might be right, doesn't necessarily mean that this truly is the way to keep your man!!"

    Answer: If you give the 3fs and he still acts an ass then he was going to act an ass anyway because HE IS AN ASS!!! I'm not saying to do this for every man! If you have a man who loves you and you love him this is the way to keep him content! A dickhead is going to be a dickhead no matter what you do! I'm not saying thatyour man will cheat on you if you dont do this...nor am I saying that he wont cheat on you if you do (Some people are dicks)... I am just saying that this will make him happy and will make a good man stay put!

    Q3) "Is this directed towards keeping a boyfriend or keeping a marriage together??! I need some clairification on that one."

    Answer: This is the secret to keeping a man happy...need it be a boyfriend, husband, or cut buddy...

    Q4) "All I'm saying is it goes both ways!! & hell even if u are giving a man some all the time, tht don't mean he aint gonna wonder!!"

    Answer: your man "getting some all the time" is not the key (mind you that you did kind of negate the other 2fs which are very much so equally as important). No one knows your man (your GOOD man) like you do...some men dont have crazy 5 day a week sex drives... just give it to him regular, be the aggressive party sometimes!!! and this will result in him not straying...why? because he will have no ambition to!!! I am not saying that he will not find other women attractive, thats just not a realistic... your man fell in love with you b/c your man found you attractive...why? because he was attracted to women! but why would he want to sneak when he is getting the simple things that he desires from home?

    and lastly... I agree with you, my female friend should look in the mirror! THAT WAS A MAJOR POINT IN THIS!!! I challenged the women readers of this blog to look a themselves in the mirror and evaluate their perception of how to treat a man!!!

    and quite frankly in my opinion alot of you failed... :(

    I saw comments about What a man should do for you... or how ladies disagreed with a MANS perception of MALE contentment...instead of taking it in stride... instead of taking it for face value...the readers of this blog took straight to the defensive...SMH....

    There will be another blog about how to please a WOMAN and that will make all of the opposers of this blog stand up and cheer...but for once this was an opportunity for ladies to catch a little game and you ducked it??? I mean why???

    If you guys dont hate me too much now look out for my next blog! :) and thanks again for commenting Shi!!! I really appreciate it!!!

  5. While initially I have to admit I was one of the one's who were offended but I think it was due to the brash approach and the complete honesty behind it. Face it when someone is black and white honest with you it throws you for a loop sometimes. But anywho back to the subject at hand.

    Your first F is true and simple enough...very self explanatory.

    The second F (Feed) I personally feel that whoever gets home first should start the cooking, especially if both people work full time and a schedule cooking menu isn't already in place. I found it easiest when I made the schedule for the whole month that way it eliminates all the who's going to do what.

    The third F (Forget) is easy as well. I've been around some people who constantly blow up their partners phone with the other one is out with their friends. I think it's so annoying. I personally don't even like or care to know what happened during the night unless the information if voluntary given to me. I'm not going to pry it out of you saying what did you do? who where you with etc.

    But it is still very much so a two way street and I am aware that you noted that in your post.

    I think you should have added something about female hygiene because there is nothing worse than having bad hygiene that can drive a man out the door quickly. Basically I think if a girl can't keep her feet clean just image what the rest of her body is like yuck!

    I can't wait to see the other side of this

  6. lol haaa @ rina and the female hygiene...that soo true!! I def wasnt offended, at first reading it just sounded as if you was an angry college guy who had just got his heart broken and just wanted sex, food, and to be with his boys, but i def know what you mean, and yes i agree, i mean i def know that a man needs sex, i just really thought that the 3 ways to keep a good man is to love him, support him, and of course, give him sex on a regular.........isnt that put a little bit better??? It sums it all up!!
    oh and i def didnt fail anything lol and i def dont hate you, lol i just love your blogs and these convos.......you always know im going to have something to say, lol
